Anna & Daniel

Clubs & Societies

Clubs, Churches & Societies

Anglican C of E Church - Christchurch

Christchurch, which fronts the Common is part of of the Church of England, Anglican, parish of Penn Street with Holmer Green, The small church has a much larger Church Centre next door to it which is used for some family services & let to hirers. Contact and Inquiries via the Church Wardens : Robert Duerdoth (07917 852393) or Sandy Leighton-Jones.
email -

Air Training Corps (ATC)
871 (Penn) Squadron is based permanently at Sir William Ramsey School in Hazlemere. The ATC parades on Wednesday & Friday evenings from 7:30pm throughout the year and engage in a wide variety of activities as well as attending camps, courses and events at weekends and during the school holidays. They are currently recruiting new cadets aged 12 in school year 8 and above. For more details please contact Flying Officer Daniel Cecil on 01494 25614101494 256141 or

Baptist Church
Situated on the Common, the Baptist Church building was completed by the end of 1999, and the first worship service was held on 16th January 2000. The church and hall boasts excellenty facilities and is well placed for churchgoers and hirers alike.

Since the opening of the church it has been used not only by the church but by various other organisations, including walking clubs, children's groups and youth groups. 01494 712479 (ansaphone out of hours) –

The church welcomes anyone to worship and prayer on Sundays mornings. We endeavour to include everyone irrespective of age, ability or ethnicity and to provide a safe environment for children. Currently the morning service runs from 9:45am - 10.30am approx. On the first Sunday each quarter, there is an evening service from 7:00pm - 8:15pm.

Beamond End Residents Assoc
The Association was formed in May 2000 and its membership comprises 48 residents (26 households and 1 business) of Beamond End and Mop End. A Neighborhood Watch capability was quickly established along with the monitoring of Environmental, Planning and Farming & Business issues impacting upon our 'locality'. A major piece of work was the preparation of a Village Design Statement An active Committee meet at least three times during the year and the AGM (always well attended) is held each July. Graham Feltham (chair) – 01494 713860.

Beavers 6-8 years
See Scouts below.

1st Holmer Green Rainbows. From 5:00pm till 6:00pm on Tuesdays
1st Holmer Green Brownies. from 5.30pm till 7.00pm on Wednesdays

Chadwick Ladies Club
The Chadwick Ladies Club meets in the Chadwick Hall in Holmer Green Village Centre at 2.00pm every other Monday. The group is for women of all ages and has regular talks as well as other meetings of intertest to members. See What's on for meeting details. Margo Morton – 01494 713886, 01494 713886 - Holmer Green Village Centre every other Monday.

Chamelion Singles Group
The group arranges all sorts of activities like coffee mornings, walks, lunch club and pub nights and these have all been popular events recently and will be run on a regular basis. We will continue to have a social evening via Zoom once a month for those who are unable or do not wish to go out at present. The Friday lunch club has now settled into its new second Friday of the month slot. This works better with the calendar where on one or two occasions the Pub Night held on the last Thursday of the month was on the day before the lunch event.

If you are single, 40-60’s, looking for a great social life and new friends then why not give us a try? There are no strangers at Chameleon, just new friends to be made. We have several local people from Holmer Green, Hazlemere, Widmer End, Great Kingshill and the surrounding areas and you would be very welcome too. To find out more call our membership secretaries Terrie on 01494 445816, Trevor on 01494 529067 or e-mail: Visit us on-line at for more information and our current programme or connect with us through Facebook.

Chiltern Voice
Chiltern Voice is the local community radio station for Holmer Green, Amersham, Great Missenden, Chesham, and the surrounding villages. The station launched on 107.4FM in November 2021 and can be picked up across much of Great Missenden and Prestwood. Where this is not possible Chiltern Voice is still available on-line, on internet radio apps and on your smart speaker such as Alexa.The station first started in 2016 and recently celebrated 5 years on-air both on the internet and with two restricted service broadcasts on FM. As a result of these broadcasts and the hard work behind the scenes the station won a 5-year licence from Ofcom to broadcast on FM on a permanent basis.

Unlike many other radio stations that can be heard in the area, Chiltern Voice is a truly local radio station. It features not only music but news, interviews, local what’s on, travel and more. If you are a member of a local group or organisation then why not get in touch and let us know about what you are doing so we can let others know about the good work you do in the community. You can e-mail us at At the moment as well as broadcasting station members are busy raising funds to keep Chiltern Voice on the air. The station is funded by advertising, grants, donations and from events and merchandise sales too. You can also support us by playing the Buckinghamshire lottery. Just search for Chiltern Voice. If you would like to find out more and perhaps become involved as a member or supporter then visit our web site at

Chiltern Hills Art Society
This group has been running for over 30 years and we have just moved from Penn to meet in the Chadwick Hall (part of the Village Centre), Holmer Green, Post Code HP15 6XG. This small friendly group meets to paint on the first or second Monday of each month except August. In December we go out for a Christmas meal. The times are from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. For the foreseeable future there is no charge so come along and join us for a convivial evening.
If you are interested please contact Michael Yorkon 01494 711960, or 07450 212026, or email
Meeting dates are as follows :-
May 14th; June 11th; July 2nd; September 3rd; October 1st; November 5th.

Clementi Art Group
Clementi Art Group (formerly the Widmer End Art Group) meets in the Widmer End Village Hall - Post Code HP15 6AD. The group meets for three ten week terms mirroring the local schools. The sessions run from 10.00 am to noon on Thursdays and the group is kept to around 15 places as this makes it very social. I tutor the first half hour or so and give out hand-outs to cover the subject demonstrated. People can then get on with their own painting or use the worksheet and I lend a hand when required. The cost is £55 per term and refreshments are included. Materials are not included but we belong to the SAA so have access to their magazine and can purchase equipment at advantageous prices.
If you are interested please contact Michael York on 01494 711960, or 07450 212026 or email
I started this group about fifteen years ago after working as an art tutor for Adult Education and some of my pictures can be found on the artististsandillustrators web site.

Cub Scouts (8-10 years) 2Cub Scouts (8-10 years) 2
Seonee Cubs meet on Mondays from 18.45-20.15 – Aged 8 -10.5 – Leader Ruth Jackson
Cherokee Cubs meet on Thursdays from 18.45-20.15 – Aged 8-10.5 - Contact Jenny Sorenson

Extend – Gentle Exercise
Fridays 2.00pm to 3.30pm - Holmer Green Village Centre. Carolyn Biggs. 01494 712801.

Fit Moves
Want to get fitter? Then why not join us in a lively workout from 7.45-8.45 Thursdays at Holmer Green Village Centre. Everyone welcome - Just turn up with a drink, towel or mat. Phone Barbara - 01494 562354. EMDP Registered Ecercise Professional.

French - Conversational and advanced
An advanced/conversational French class held on Thursdays between 11.30 - 1pm at the Church Centre in Featherbed Lane. There is a tea/coffee break in the middle of the session. More details from Benedicte L'Esperance on 01494 530936.

Friends of Holmer Green First School & Pre School (Poppies)
Catharine King & Hollie Harding - - 07734822535

Girl Guides
1st Holmer Green Guides meet at Holmer Green Village Centre on Fridays from 6.30 - 8 pm.
Potential new members should contact Vicki Flemming - 07823478200 -  -

Hazlemere Library
312 Amersham Road, Hazlemere Bucks, HP15 7PY

Opening Times

    Monday 9.30am - 5.00pm
    Tuesday 9.30am - 5.00pm
    Thursday 9.30am - 6.00pm
    Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm
    Saturday 10.00am - 1.00pm
    Closed on Wednesdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays

Facilities:- Public PCs, Free WiFi access, Free Online Resources, Public WC

Activities: Storytime for the under 5s, Bounce & Rhyme -music and rhyme for the under 5s, Reading Groups, One to One Computer Lessons, Crochet Circle, Knit and Natter, Simply Walks and a variety of events for adults and children throughout the year.
Newspapers: The Times, Bucks Free Press
Borrow / Hire: Books including Large Print Editions and Audiobooks, Magazines and DVDs

For more information call 01296 382415

Hazlemere Runners
A lively, friendly group that meets every Monday at 7 pm at Holmer Green Sports Association in Watchet Lane for beginners, improvers and 10K graduate runs for all - there is something for everyone.  Please come along and meet us. Group Leader - Imelda Robinson on 01494534140.

High Wycombe Scrabble Club
Meet the first & third Tuesdays in every month at 7.30pm for 7.45pm at Rossetti Hall, New Pond Road. Registered with the Association of British Scrabble Players, they cater for all abilities. Subscriptions are normally £3.00 per evening plus 20p for tea or coffee. Dennis Troughton - 07720 118907.

Holmer Green Cricket Club
Holmer Green Cricket Club have been playing cricket in the village since 1922. Initially based on the Common, cricket is now played at Holmer Green Sports Association on Watchet Lane. There are two adult teams that play league cricket on a Saturday in the Mid-Bucks Cricket League and a Sunday adult team that plays friendly cricket. There is also a vibrant junior section with cricket being played from the ages of 7 right up to 17.

For more information on cricket in the village, please go to the website which is where you will find more information about our club."

Holmer Green (Pacey) Childminding Group
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9.30am for tea & coffee to provide mutual support for parents and to give children a chance to socialise. The group provides advice to parents seekinbg childcare including vacancy information for childminders who currently have spaces. Meeting venues vary - Phone 01494 866181 -

Holmer Green Players
Holmer Green Players meets every Wednesday at Holmer Green Village Centre, The Common, Holmer Green. The Junior section for 8 to 16 year olds meets from 6.30pm to 8.00pm and the adult (over 16s) meets from 8.00pm to 10.30pm. The group performs comedys and song and dance shows three or four times per year, also in the Village Centre. Karl Picton –

Holmer Green Football Club (The '1 Club)
After100 years football at Holmer Green the various teams bearing the name have eventually become “1 Club”. The “1 Club" incorporates both Senior teams (First XI and Reserves), Old Boys, Youth teams (2) and the 11 junior aged teams, including the Girls team (previously known as the Minors). The new unified club transforms the Minors section into a thriving unit that attained FA Community Charter Standard – Community Status, the highest award issued by the FA to grass root clubs and more recently voted the “Best Club” by Bucks Sports, a partnership between Buckinghamshire County Council and Milton Keynes Council, established specifically to promote sports.

If you are an aspiring younger Player or older Player looking to play for one of the biggest and progressive Clubs in Bucks why not pop along on a match day or you can contact us at -
Holmer Green Infant School and Pre-School
Watchet Lane, Holmer Green, HP15 6UG
01494 712050Our Pre-School runs during School term time between 9am - 12pm and 12.05pm to 3.05pm Monday to Friday. If you would like to know more about the Pre-School, please contact the School Office on 01494 712050 or email  

Holmer Green Junior School Association
Chair - Vicky Brown -

Holmer Green Methodist Church
Holmer Green Methodist church is in Earl Howe Road, Holmer Green, HP15 6PX. The original chapel was built in 1841, re-built in 1859 and again in 1937. Major extensions were added in 1967 and a extensive refurbishment programme was completed in 2010. The Methodist minister is Rev Vida Foday (01494 562788).

Regular worship includes Sunday morning worship at 10.30am. All welcome.

There is a craft club open to all that meets on the third Saturdays each month from 10am to noon, followed by a bring your-own-snack lunch. We also have a Holmer Green Community Prayer Link with members from all the churches. Please contact Barbara Illingworth (01494 712236; if you would like us to pray – confidentiality is essential and we will only use your first name if you are happy to do so. We pray for our local community every day.

Holmer Green Senior School Parents' Association
HGSS Parents' Association is made up of enthusiastic volunteer parents who are keen to support the school in any way they can. This includes organising fund raising events throughout the academic year and assisting at school arranged functions, which raise the school profile in the local community.

Look out for posters of forthcoming events around the village, and in local newspapers and magazines. All welcome - 01494 712219.

Holmer Green Short Mat Bowls Club
The Club was founded in 1989 as a “playing section” of the Holmer Green Sports Association. The Sports Association pavilion has only sufficient room for one short mat indoors and therefore the Club play in the Bucks Single Mat League. In 2002 however, the Club designed and built an outside facility consisting 3 permanent all-weather short mats, which is believed to be the only one of its kind in the world. This outside facility is used from April to November each year and attracts many members from other local clubs who enjoy playing short mat bowls with us in the summer sunshine. The Sports Association pavilion has only sufficient room for one short mat indoors and therefore the Club play in the Bucks Single Mat League.

The Club hold regular “roll-ups” at the following times:

    Inside (All year around) Tuesday evening. 7.30pm to 11pm.
    Outside (April-November) Thursday afternoon 2pm to 4pm
    Sunday morning 10am to Noon

We are always pleased to see potential new members and welcome them to come along to one of the above roll-ups. Alternatively please give us a call on 01494 712284

Holmer Green Sports Association
The HGSA club house is at 87 Watchet Lane, Holmer Green, HP15 6UF. Tel: 01494 711485. email: Web: The Club Manager is Laura Ripley. The Association have several sporting sections as follows:-

    Football Adults and junior
    Squash and racketball Adults and junior
    Tennis Adults and junior
    Cricket Adults and junior
    Bowls Adults indoor and outdoor
    Model Engineering
    Golf Society

The group stages music nights on  alternate Wednesdays 

Bar Hours:

Mon  :7pm - 10pm
Tues - Thurs: 7pm - 11pm
Fri    :5pm - 11pm
Sat   :11am - 11pm
Sun  :11am - 6pm  

Holmer Green Squash & Racquetball Club
The squash club was formed during the early days of HGSA and started with two courts. During the 70s and 80s, the game grew enormously in popularity and to keep up with the demand for membership a third court was added in the mid-80s.
Today these three pleasant and well-maintained courts, viewing gallery and changing rooms are available exclusively for use by squash club members. The club is run by volunteers and our court charges are the most competitive in South Bucks. The club is a registered member of England Squash and the Bucks Squash Racquets Association. In addition to playing other members in friendly games, players of all levels can join a ladder league and enjoy competitive games at their own ability levels. In addition various tournaments are organised throughout the year.

The club enters three teams in the Bucks Leagues. The 1st team is currently top of the Premier Division so members can watch top-level squash for free. There are also several local qualified coaches who will provide one to one, or group coaching by arrangement at the club. We have run a junior training group for many years and youngsters from 7-18 years can learn the game in safety from qualified and experienced coaches on Saturday mornings. This has produced many fine players, many are now club players and a few have reached county and national level. There is a thriving junior league in Bucks in which we participate.

The club is run by a committee of volunteers - Email:

Holmer Green Village Centre
The Village Centre is the only hall in Holmer Green open to all types of events and is run as a charity by a voluntary committee to provide hire facilities to local residents. We operate on the revenue from regular and casual bookings plus the generous donations of local organisations (including Parish and District Councils) and user groups (including the Holmer Green WI) together with private individuals. Holmer Green Village Hall is administered by a group of dedicated Committee Members, with an avid desire to enrich the role of the hall within the village and beyond. The Committee meet regularly and is supported by the Centre's four Trustees. The Village Centre Committee is determined to improve services within the Village Centre and is open to ideas from anyone who thinks that the facilities could be improved.

Regular hirers of the halls are invited to attend the quarterly Representatives meeting to raise and discuss any issues that affect them and, in addition, there is an Annual General Meeting open to all interested parties at which the Committee Members and Representatives are elected

Holmer Green Village Centre Pre-School Nursery
Latest Ofsted inspection was July 2011. Judgement good. Report can be found on Ofsted website under the Early Years section.Our registration number is EY260329. Our well established, trained and dedicated team offer Early Years care and education for children from 2 years 4 months to 5 years. We operate Monday - Friday, 9.15am - 12.15pm during term times. Early Years Flexible Free Entitlement of 15 hours per week is available to all children from the term following their 3rd birthday

Manager: Sheri Berryman. Contact email: Tel 01494 711513 or 01494 718113 (pm)

Holmer Green Village Society
The Village Society, which was inaugurated in January 2018, will operate as a residents' association with a remit to find solutions to problems within the village. As Chairman, Charles Padlet has said "The aims of the Society are:-

Working for Today
•    Focus on Security and reduce Anti social Behaviour with  New HG Watch
•    Improve Safety by addressing speeding and Parking concerns
•    Environmental Management – the pond and litter picking ++
•    Deal with Village issues that matter to you.

Planning for Tomorrow
•    Challenging local development to ensure concerns are heard
•    Improve the Infrastructure of Holmer Green
•    Build a successful and flourishing community for both business and residents to enjoy.

Membership is £5.00 per household or company and you can request members hip by using the form on this link.

Holmer Green Village Produce Association (VPA - Gardening Club)
The Association – referred to locally as ‘The VPA’ – is Holmer Green’s gardening club. More than that, it is an organisation that provides a social focus for the village of Holmer Green and the surrounding area. The VPA was formed in 1944 to help 'dig for victory’ in the Second World War. Its objectives were to 'encourage and improve the standard of horticulture, small live-stock keeping, and the best use of produce in the home'. Since then, the VPA has become a general gardening club organising shows, talks and outings on behalf of its members as well as operating a busy Trading Store. James Cadle – 716992.

Holmer Green Youth Club
The Youth Club offers local young people aged school years 6 to 13 opportunities for fun, meeting friends, and making new friends in a safe environment. Experienced youth workers are always on hand.The Youth Club offers local young people aged school years 6 to 13 opportunities for fun, meeting friends, and making new friends in a safe environment. Experienced youth workers are always on hand. The Youth Club meets at the  Youth Club building, Parish Piece, Holmer Green, High Wycombe, Bucks HP15 6SW. Michael Turner – 01494 711970.

Kingfisher Rangers
Kingfisher Ranges and is for girls aged 14-18. We meet fortnightly on Mondays at Holmer Green Village Centre 7-9pm

Lantern Club
The Lantern Club Day Centre for the Elderly which meets each Monday in Holmer Green Village Hall, is a registered charity which was founded in 1990 by a group of local business people at the suggestion of Community Psychiatric Nurses working in Holmer Green and the surrounding area who felt there was a requirement for such a service. The Club can take a maximum of 14 members each week. The aim is to provide “time off” for their carers at the same time giving them a chance to socialise with other people.

Each Monday is taken up by various activities to stimulate both mind and body and we have regular exercise sessions, games, quizzes and most weeks musical or other entertainment. Our members are provided with refreshments and a hot meal at lunch time. Transport is also provided for those who need it.

All our members are elderly and frail and most of them also have mental disorders which was the main reason for setting up the Club in the beginning.  One of them, who has been a member for at least seven years tells us how lucky she is to be a member and she enjoys every week - she says “I wish I could come every day”.

Mrs C, whose husband suffers from Alzheimer's says she believes the Club to be “absolutely fantastic” and she is now able to meet up with her friends in the knowledge that her husband is in safe hands. Mrs B says “I think you are doing a fantastic job - I am so happy that he is content and enjoying each Monday he spends with you - I have told all my contacts at the Alzheimer's Society about the Lantern Club”.

The Lantern Club is entirely run by volunteers and needless to say NEW VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED. Volunteers do not have to be trained but need to be able to empathise with older people. The Club is open from 10.30am to 2.30pm. Volunteers can give as much time as they wish, any amount of time would be much appreciated.

‘Link-up’ Bereavement Group
A bereavement group offering friendship, understanding, support and hope.  Link-Up meets at the Church Centre in Holmer Green (HP15 6XQ)  There are people to talk to and books and leaflets to browse and borrow. Now in its 21st year. Usually 3rd Friday morning in month, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, followed by a sharing lunch.

Pilates @ The Church Centre
Sam Sidley runs Body Control Pilates classes at the Church Centre, Featherbed Lane in Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (see the 'What's On' calendar for dates this month.) Sam is a Regiustered Exercise Professionals and a member of Backcare, a charity for healthier backs.

Pilates @ The Village Centre
Alison. 01494 471751- Mondays from 6.30 - 7.30pm & Thursdays 7.40 - 8.40pm - Holmer Green Village Centre.

PiYo Bucks
Combines Pilates with Yoga. Wednesdays 6.15-6.45pm. Alison on 07801 268303 or

Playmates Day Nursery
For pre-school children & their carers. Tuesday term times from 9.30-11.00am. A friendly atmosphere with toys, activities, coffee & chat. Feel free to pop in. £1.50 per family - Mrs. Maureen Myerson – 01494 716789.

Pyramid Fitness.
Alice on 07500 772146 or email Holmer Green Village Centre.

Rainbows - 1st Holmer Green Rainbows
1st Holmer Green Rainbows meet at Holmer Green Village Centre onTuesdays 4.45 - 5.45 pm. For potential new members, contact Maureen Camier 01494 711134.

Quicksteps Social Dancing is run by Elaine Beauchamp, her husband and daughter. Classes are held at the Christchurch Centre, Featherbed Lane, Holmer Green with Beginners on Tuesdays 8-9pm, Improvers on Tuesdays 7-8pm and advance level on Wednesdays from 8 - 9.30pm. Instruction and Practice for Rock 'n' Roll, Classical Sequence, Modern Sequence, Freestyle, Latin American, Rock 'n' Roll (Ballroom), Ballroom and Street Dancers. Contact Elaine on 07837 383268 or

Red Kites Golfing Society
The Red Kites Golf Society was formed during 2009 as a ‘playing section’ of the Holmer Green Sports Association, the Red Kites played their first game in December 2009 where they competed for the inaugural Christmas Cup. The Red Kites play in five competitions each year. The typical format for each competition is to meet at the venue for breakfast and the Captain’s draw followed by 18 holes of golf which is followed by lunch and prize giving. The Red Kites select different venues to play each competition at throughout each year, ranging from Wycombe Heights Golf Club to other favourites which include Studley Wood and Badgemore Park Golf Club. Each players handicap is monitored and adjusted throughout the year based on the scores from each competition, which employs Stableford scoring. Prizes are awarded for first, second and third place along with nearest pin and longest drive.

All inquiries regarding the Red Kites Golf Society should be directed to the Chairman – Kevin Frewin c/o Holmer Green Sports Association.

Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion Hall is at 48 Beechtree Road, Holmer Green, HP15 6UT. Facilities include pool table and dartsboard. Men play darts Tuesdays & Fridays. Licensed bar with highly competitive prices - Phone 01494 711144 - Tom Clarke - Chairman - Holmer Green & District Royal British Legion Branch - 07888700716

Royal British Legion –Women's’ Section
The Royal British Legion Hall is at 48 Beechtree Road, Holmer Green, HP15 6UT. Facilities include pool table and dartsboard. Women play darts Wednesdays & Thursdays. Licensed bar with highly competative prices. -- Phone 01494 711144 -

1st Holmer Green Scout Group was formed in 1966 and celebrated its 45th anniversary in September 2011. Currently the Group has over 100 members and 12 Leaders

The Group comprises 5 Sections, There are 2 Beaver colonies for boys and girls aged 6-8, 2 Cub packs for those aged 8-10 and a Scout Troop for those aged 10-14. When they reach the upper age limit the children can move to a District Explorer Unit which involves young people from 14 to 18. An exciting and interesting programme is produced each year and includes both physical and mental challenges. The aim for each child is for them to attain the Chief Scout award appropriate to their age group and ultimately by age 18 to have obtained the Queens Scout Award.

For details on Scouts,& Beavers in Holmer Green contact Neil Spencer – 01494 714347 or

‘Simply Walks’
On Mondays walkers meet at 10.15 for a 10.30 start. A choice of three walks is provided to cater for different abilities i.e.. the "First Footers" walk for those only confident with a flat walk at a moderately slow pace for about 30 minutes; the "Village Walk"; a flat walk at a reasonable pace, lasting for 60 minutes, with the occasional short stop, allowing for some to catch up, and finally the "Country Walk" which is at a good pace through fields and woods, lasting for 60 minutes. All walks are led by leaders trained in first aid.

We provide tea/coffee and biscuits for walkers on their return at a cost of 50 pence. There is a 50 pence optional donation to be shared with simply walk and the church towards costs. Walkers enjoy the opportunity to socialise at this time and later help with packing up to clear the hall by 12 noon. 01494 475367 or

Slimming World
Slimming World meet at Holmer Green Methodist Church from 5.30-7.30pm on Wednesdays. For more details, phone Lynette on 07789 263505

South Bucks Midweek Cycling
In South Buckinghamshire Cycling UK has four riding groups: Aylesbury, Chiltern Hills, Midweek and Thames Valley. Full details of all group rides, coffee meets and socials are on the website. There is sure to be something for everyone of all ages who wants to get out on their bike. Both pedal bikes and e-bikers welcome. If you do not wish to do a full ride then you are welcome to come part way or join one of the Friday or Sunday coffee pots. These regularly include local venues such as the Square in Holmer Green, Pop-in Café in Hazlemere, Hildreth’s Garden Centre, Peterlee Farm, Costa or Matilda’s in Great Missenden.

All Cycling UK local groups are currently having their AGMs so visit the web site below for the latest news, contact details and rides. More general information about Cycling UK and becoming a member can be found at our national site.

T'ai Chi Chuan
T'ai Chi, Chi Kung and meditation classes for health and well-being. Holmer Green Sports Association on Wednesday Mornings - Contact: Lin Williams on 01494 562037.

Tiddlywinks - The 'pre' Pre-School group
Baby & toddler group. Friendly, relaxing and stimulating environment for parents and children from birth to pre school. The group meets on Mondays from 1.30 - 3.00pm in the Church Centre, Holmer Green at a cost of £1.50 per family. For more information phone

Whist Group
The Whist Group meet every week on Thursday afternoons in Rossetti Hall, from 1.30pm to 4:00 pm. New members welcome. Contact Peter or Jan Williams on 01494 713372

Women's Institute (W.I.)

Holmer Green Evening WI meets on the 1st Tuesday of each week at Holmer Green Village Centre at 2:00pm every month. With a large, active membership, Holmer Green WI welcomes new members of all ages. Contact Mrs Pauline Ellis 01494 713625,

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